Product Description:
Embrace the unparalleled craftsmanship of Henry’s Mini Bolt, a prime example of American gun-making excellence. This Mini Bolt 22 LR Rifle, priced at an MSRP of $335, is a symbol of Henry’s dedication to superior quality and meticulous attention to detail. Ideal for both collectors and shooting enthusiasts the Mini Bolt Rifle is not just a firearm; it’s a legacy of enduring reliability and precision.
Discover a wider selection of Henry firearms online at Tar River Arms or experience their quality firsthand at our retail location.
Product Details:
Item: HNH005
UPC: 619835015006
Model: Mini Bolt
Action: Bolt Action
Sights: Open Rifle Sights
Finish: Stainless
Additional 1: Williams Fire Sights
Additional 2:
Additional 3:
Ship Weight: 3.55
MSRP: $ 335